Tue, 05 Dec
由【 膳動衡 】 、【 Lonely Paisley 】與【 基督教勵行會難民服務中心 】共同合作,邀請身處香港的難民和香港居民一同參與的社區跑步活動。

Time & Location
05 Dec 2023, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
中間道兒童遊樂場, 香港尖沙咀中間道
About the event
由【 膳動衡 】 、【 Lonely Paisley 】與【 基督教勵行會難民服務中心 】共同合作,邀請身處香港的難民和香港居民一同參與的社區跑步活動。
我們的目的是幫助難民融入香港生活,讓他們感受 到家的溫暖,並與香港居民建立深厚的情誼。同時,我們也希望透過這個活動,讓香 港居民更了解難民的處境,歡迎並幫助他們在這個陌生的土地上重新建立起屬於自己 的家。
【 Home Run 】有兩層特別含義:
- 代表那些被迫或自願離開家園,尋求新的庇護 地或安身之處的人。這些人可能是難民或逃離家園的個人,他們因種種原因而不得不 離開舊有的家園,並踏上尋找新家的旅程。
- 無論大家來自哪裡,香港已成為我們的家園,在香港的大街小巷奔跑,留下屬於 我們的足跡。我們的足跡不僅象徵著我們的努力和決心,也代表著在這片土地上,我 們都是家的一部分。 我們希望讓每一位參與者在奔跑的過程中,感受輕鬆愉快的氛圍,找到彼此間的共鳴 與理解,彷彿回到家中般自在無憂。
【 卡路里捐贈 】
大會鼓勵參加者自行使用運動手錶或手機應用程式等紀錄運動所消耗的卡路里,響應 FOODSPORT [ 膳動星期三 ] 轉化卡路里為等量食物,幫助有需要的人士。
- 日期:2023年9-12月,每逢週二晚上
- 時間:7:30pm 出發
- 集合地點: 尖沙咀中間道兒童遊樂場
- 內容:跑步來回約3k+30分鐘體能訓練
- 路線:
📣📣 尖沙咀中間道兒童遊樂場 <———————> 尖沙咀鐘樓📣📣
- 費用:全免
- 年齡:必須 18 歲或以上
- 名額:30人
- 行李寄存 : 如需行李寄存,請於7:00pm在重慶大樓前門集合
- 補給:建議各參加者自備水,起點設有飲用水補給,參加者可於出發前補充所需 水量。
* 建議各參與者盡量輕便及勿携帶貴重物品,小心保管個人財物,主辦方不會為任何寄 存的物件負上責任。
"HOME RUN" is a running-focused event organized by FOODSPORT, Lonely Paisley and the Christian Action Centre for Refugees. We invit refugees and Hong Kong residents to participate together. Our goal is to help refugees integrate into Hong Kong life, feel the warmth of home, and build deep friendships with Hong Kong residents. At the same time, we hope to increase understanding of the plight of refugees among Hong Kong residents and extend a warm welcome to help them rebuild a new home in this unfamiliar land.
"Home Run" holds two special meanings: First, it represents those who have been forced or chosen to leave their homes and seek refuge or a new place to settle. These individuals may be refugees or people who have left their homes for various reasons, embarking on a journey to find a new home. Second, regardless of our origins, Hong Kong has become our home. Running through the streets and alleys of Hong Kong, we leave behind our footprints. These footprints not only symbolize our efforts and determination but also represent that we all belong to this land and are part of the home.
We aim to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for all participants, allowing them to resonate with one another and feel as carefree as if they were back at home.
Calorie Do
We encourages participants to use sports watches or mobile apps to record the calories burned during activity, and respond to “FOODSPORT Wednesday” to convert calories into equivalent food to help those in need.
Cost - Free of charge
Age Limit - Participants must be 18 years old or above.
Quota - 30 participants
Route -
3k running and 30min fitness
Tsim Sha Tsui , Middle Road Children's Playground〈——〉Former Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower
Baggage Storage - If you need luggage storage, please meet at the front door of Chongqing Building at 7:00pm
Refreshments - Participants are recommended to bring their own water. There will be water supply available at meeting point for participants to refill before the start.
我要跑!< Run Together >
一位參加者 One Runner
HK$0.00Sale ended純粹捐款支持 < Donation only >
捐款會撥入【FOODSPORT FOUNDATION】,支持本次計劃 的食物捐贈; 捐款港幣 100 元或以上可憑收據申請減稅。 Thank you for supporting [FOODSPORT FOUNDATION]. Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with a receipt.
Pay what you want+Service feeSale ended